Aleš JustinSoftware Engineer
Aleš Justin je old skul JBoss-ian, ki se trenutno veliko ukvarja s Kafko in raznimi integracijami, od Quarkus-a do OpenTelemetry.
- Predavanje
- Quarkus stories: part 2
- Podjetje
- Red Hat
Bodite pozorni na vse najnovejše novice naših predavateljev. Seznam predavateljev se lahko spremeni, brez opozorila. Seznam predavateljev še ni končen.
Aleš Justin je old skul JBoss-ian, ki se trenutno veliko ukvarja s Kafko in raznimi integracijami, od Quarkus-a do OpenTelemetry.
Andrej Krajnc je razvijalec in arhitekt rešitev pri razvoju informacijskih sistemov. Njegove glavne dejavnosti so vezane na uporabo komponent in ogrodij pri razvoju rešitev, ki temeljijo na programskem jeziku Java in različnih spletnih tehnologijah. V 25 letih dela je sodeloval pri številnih projektih, ki so temeljili na uporabi javanskih komponent, v zadnjem času pa posveča precej časa uporabi spletnih komponent v sodobnih informacijskih rešitvah.
Boris Cergol is currently Regional Head of Data at Endava. Earier in his career he was working as a researcher in both academia and industry and co-founded a company specializing in data science services. He has 10+ years of experience dealing with peculiarities of applied machine learning and building teams capable of implementing ML focused projects. He is currently also serving as an executive board member of the initiative AI4Slovenia and is sometimes mentoring companies in the Techstars Montréal AI Accelerator.
Boris Oblak je kot direktor razvoja v podjetju Abakus plus d.o.o. od leta 1992 zadolžen za razvoj informacijskih rešitev.
Branko Mihaljević is an educator, consultant, manager, and entrepreneur, dealing with Java since 1996. After 12 years of teaching at UNIZG FER, where he received dipl. ing. (MS), Diploma in Study of Management (DSM), mr. sc., and dr. sc. (PhD) degrees, a few years of teaching at Algebra and VERN' colleges, as well as 7 years acting as a co-owner and CTO of a development company, for the last 7 years he has been working as a College Professor and Research Assistant at RIT Croatia, one of the global locations of Rochester Institute of Technology, and leading his software consulting company.
Christian Gohmann is currently working as Principal Consultant and Instructor at Trivadis Germany GmbH in Dusseldorf, Germany. His main focus lies in helping customers in the areas of architecture planning, implementation, and migration - with a specialization on high availability solutions, like Data Guard, Oracle RAC.
Clement Escoffier (@clementplop) is a senior principal software engineer at Red Hat. He is a Java Champion and also acts as a Reactive Architect at Red Hat.
I am a principal researcher at Oracle Labs and an external lecturer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (JKU). I finished my PhD at the Institute for System Software (SSW) supervised by Prof. Hanspeter Mössenböck. At Oracle Labs I am working on their optimizing Java compiler Graal (as well as the entire Graal ecosystem).
As Cloud Architect at Neos with ten years of experience in IT, I am responsible for bridging the gap between complex business problems and solutions in Cloud. My engineering experience comes from years of working with operating systems, understanding of networking, security, scripting, and even engineered systems. All this enables me to successfully convert the technical requirements of cloud projects into the architecture and design that will guide the final product.
Dora Beronić is a developer currently working on software development projects involving blockchain technologies, such as liquid democracy. She received her degree in Information Technology / Web and Mobile Computing at RIT Croatia, one of the global locations of Rochester Institute of Technology, majoring in software development as well as software architecture.
Erik van Roon is an Oracle Database Developer and Oracle ACE Pro, who has worked with Oracle technology since 1995, specializing in, but not limiting to, SQL and PLSQL.
Ferenc spent most of the time of his career as technology expert. He drove the Oracle Database business for 13 years at Oracle Hungary as Principal Sales Consultant. He contributed to the solution development of several country wide Oracle based systems. He specialized in the database security, scalability, high availability and disaster recovery. He has been working since 2013 at Tech Data AS (former Avnet TS) as Oracle expert. His responsibilities include: contribute to on-site pilot projects, deliver product positioning at various events to partners and customers, provide technical and licensing support for Tech Data partners.
Hi! I am Foivos (pronounced [‘fivos]) Zakkak and I am a Senior Software Engineer in Red Hat’s Java platform team working on GraalVM and Mandrel.
Irenej Brumec je zaposlen kot svetovalec za aplikacijske rešitve v podjetju Osir-Erpis. S svojimi izkušnjami na področju integracij podatkov je vedno pripravljen deliti svoje znanje ter posameznikom in podjetjem svetovati, kako z uvedbo sodobnih oblačnih rešitev izboljšati procese v podjetju.
Jakub works at Red Hat as Senior Principal Software Engineer. He has long-term experience with messaging and currently focuses mainly on Apache Kafka and its integration with Kubernetes.
Več kot desetletje izkušenj v razvoju in arhitekturi rešitev za virtualizacijo in oblak. Arhitekt in produktni vodja Iskratel virtualizacijske in oblačne platforme (ICP produkt - Iskratel Cloud Platform). Dobitnik zlatega regionalnega priznanja za inovacijo »Zasebno oblačno okolje za kritično infrastrukturo«. Zasnova in implementacija DevOps CI/CD v podjetju in vodja Iskratel DevOps ekipe. Član projektne skupine za evropski projekt IPCEI-CIS.
Julian Dontcheff is the Global Database Lead of Accenture and has more than 30 years of database experience. He is the first Oracle Certified Master in Europe (back in 2002) and he is also an Oracle ACE Director.
Distinguished by years of experience and achievements in information and communications technologies, and long-standing experience in marketing, sales and management. I spend countless hours mentoring, coaching and helping startups and young entrepreneurs on the path of change and success. My goal is to design the culture of innovation to establish highly committed and engaged employees to do their best work toward a shared purpose. I am always striving to be an "out of the box thinker", with a focus on team effort and achieving business goals.
Jure Jeraj je strokovnjak s 15-letnimi izkušnjami na področju celovitega upravljanja s podatki. Trenutno vodi ekipo podatkovnih inženirjev v podjetju Result. Ob tem tudi aktivno širi svoje znanje in izkušnje z raznimi predavanji na konferencah in dogodkih (DSI, GoDigital, FPA, Gaia-X…). Kot podatkovni arhitekt sodeluje v raznovrstnih projektih multinacionalke Sixt. Kot tehnični arhitekt je sodeloval pri vzpostavitvi platforme za podatkovno analitiko in podatkovno skladišče Skrinja v okviru Ministrstva za javno upravo.
V zadnjih letih se posveča evropskim iniciativam za vzpostavitev trajnostne podatkovne ekonomije, podatkovnih prostorov in varnega deljenja podatkov v okviru aktivnosti Big Data Associations, International Data Spaces Associations, Gaia-X in Fiware Foundation.
V leti 2022 je prevzel vlogo programskega direktorja Foruma podatkovne analitike z namenom, da se čim več sodobnih trendov, znanja in izkušenj prenese na širšo strokovno javnost. S praktičnimi primeri želi prikazati aktivnosti, ki so potrebne, da se lahko iz podatkov iztisne čim večjo ekonomsko vrednost ter s tem izboljša podatkovno ekonomijo tudi v Sloveniji.
Jure Repe is a Software Engineer, currently working at Outfit7 Group, where he is part of the backend team, responsible for making sure the core business application and developer tooling stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards. Fascinated by the cloud, he spends most of his days working with Java and Kotlin, daydreaming about what the future holds for software engineering.
Kamran Aghayev A. is an Oracle Certified Master (10g/11g), Oracle Clusterware Certified Expert and RAC Implement Specialist (11g/12c), Oracle Certified Professional (9i,10g,11g,12c) and Oracle ACE Director working as a Data Management team head and Data Scientist at AzerCell Telecom. He’s responsible for managing critical databases and building high-available Big Data environment, administering Hadoop clusters and using different technologies like Spark, Hive, Kafka, Scala, Impala, Flume and hands-on experience with RDBMS databases like Oracle, MS-SQL, MySql, PostgreSQL and NoSQL databases like Cassandra, Redis, MongoDB and HBase.
Prihajam iz podjetja Kopa d.d. Že skoraj 30 let se ukvarjam z Oracle podatkovnimi bazami, zadnjih 5 let pa aktivno delam tudi v Oracle Cloud-u.
Marko Polak je Java in PL/SQL programer ter sistemski administrator podatkovnih baz v podjetju Medius d.o.o. Zadnjih nekaj let pa se ukvarja z upravljanjem, iskanjem in analizami velikih količinah podatkov(BigData) - bolj natančno - kako pripraviti podatke uporabne za namenske uporabnike in analizo z metodami umetne inteligence.
Markus and his team have been working on IDE tools for Java and database development for almost 20 years. He is the product owner of the RapidClipse IDE project, which is a free Eclipse distribution and visual Java IDE.
Matej Kranjc, Project director at DARS d.d. the Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, with over 35 years of experiences in IT. A results-oriented manager with extensive experience in managing IT projects. Leading high-level projects in many different companies in Slovenia and abroad, developing different information systems, supervising and managing them, holding top positions at various companies, which granted him invaluable global strategic experiences.
Dr. Matjaž Pančur je zaposlen na UL FRI, kjer se ukvarja s kontejnerji, oblaki in drugimi t.i. DevOps tehnologijami.
Neil is an independent consultant who specialises in Performance Tuning, RAC, DataGuard, Goldengate, Upgrades, Data Migration, with some PL/SQL and Apex Development. He also has experience with other relational databases, NoSQL databases, and Linux and AIX administration. Neil is an Oracle ACE Director, and a board member of the UKOUG. He likes to drink strong smooth Italian coffee, good beer and better whisky, depending upon the time of day.
Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Also double as a trainer and triples as a book author.
Oto Brglez is an experienced software architect, engineering manager and consultant that helps companies build and evolve their products from zero to world dominance. His passion revolves around web applications involving large quantities of fresh data that can be rangled into new and exciting products.
Pavol Loffay is a senior software engineer working on open-source observability technology for modern cloud-native applications. Pavol contributes and maintains Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects OpenTelemetry and Jaeger. In his free time, Pavol likes to hike, climb or ski steep slopes in the Swiss Alps.
Piet is a Database Consultant and DBA. He is in IT since 1987, and specialises in Oracle-, Postgres- and Databases-related technology since 1994.
Priit has been meddling with databases for almost 20 years. First as a certified Oracle DBA, now as a database performance engineer helping developers to use database related technologies in best possible manner. Contrary to (stereo-) typical database person, Priit is not afraid to get deep into client side development technologies - he decompiles java code for breakfast.
Robert Korošec je začel z verzijo Oracle 7.2 in je od 1999 je zaposlen v podjetju Oracle Software, kjer je delal kot svetovalec za Oracle baze podatkov in Oracle Exadata sisteme. V zadnjem času deluje na področju Oracle Cloud platforme, primarno na področju Autonomous Database za DWH, prediktivne analitike ter BigData analizo podatkov.
Sergej Rožman je diplomiral iz elektronike in magistriral iz telekomunikacij na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani. Glavna področja njegovega dela v podjetju Abakus plus so: Linux (od l. 1995), sistemi visoke razpoložljivosti (od l. 1990), Oracle podatkovne baze (od ver. 7.1.5), načrtovanje in proizvodnja infrastrukturnih IT gradnikov.
Simon Posnjak je začel svojo kariero kot QA inžinir. Kasneje pa se je posvetil razvoju vgrajenih sistemov temelječih na Linuxu in mikrokontrolerjih. Zadnja leta pa poleg vgrajenih sistemov, razvija še kompleksne zaledne sisteme v različnih tehnologijah.
Urban Zaletel opravlja delo vodje programa 5G v podjetju Iskratel S&T Group. Zadnjih 10 let je v različnih vloga pri organizaciji konference SIOUG, zadnji dve leti kot direktor Zavoda SIOUG.
Urh Srečnik is a DBA at Abakus Plus, where he takes care of Oracle infrastructure and co-develops Abakus Plus’ solution for rapid provisioning of live production database clones: Deja Vu.
Vili is one of those engineers who draws his knowledge and passion from the deep roots of his innate curiosity. He often describes himself as a problem solver which happen to come across computers in mid-nineties and got stuck there because he was not able to learn everything about the subject, just yet!
In his career among others, he was employed by the largest regional information technology integrator and global data storage technology vendor, but in the last years before joining Oracle as a Principal Solution Engineer he was freelancing as a cloud developer writing numerous Python and Terraform scripts.
Wojtek is a Senior Developer Advocate at AWS dedicated for Central and Eastern European region. Working with Cloud Computing and Data Engineering since 2015 - in different roles: starting from IT Operations Engineer, Software Engineer and Cloud Architect. Functional programming and Serverless architecture aficionado. 9x Certified AWS Specialist. Speaker, lecturer, and content creator.
Žiga Vaupot is currently working as a Country Manager for Qubix Slovenia. Professionally, Žiga’s background is IT and he has been working on several business intelligence and data warehousing projects over the last 10+ years in the Central Europe, in the UK and Japan. Prior to joining Qubix, Žiga was CIO of the major publishing company in Slovenia. Before that he has spent 10+ years working for Oracle in CEE region where he held several roles in Sales Consulting, Sales and Marketing.