Quarkus stories: Logging Made Simple With Quarkus, MDC, and Google Cloud

Četrtek, 2. junij 10:00 - 10:30
Težavnost: Intermediate
Dvorana: B
Področje: Cloud

We'll take a look at how pairing MDC with JSON logging in Quarkus lets us enrich the logs with all sorts of goodies, and allows us to better understand what's going on in our application once it’s deployed to Google Cloud.


Pogledali si bomo, kako nam lahko MDC priskoči na pomoč pri obogatitvi Quarkus json logov z vsemi vrstami dobrot in nam omogoči, da bolje razumemo, kaj se dogaja v naši aplikaciji, ko jo postavimo na Google Cloud.

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Jure Repe
Ekipa2 subsidiary of Outfit7 Limited