Četrtek, 2. junij

Letošnja konferenca bo po 2 virtualnih letih ponovno potekala v živo, tako da ne zamudite priložnosti za srečanje, pogovor in mreženje, pa tudi polno merico zabave na večernem neformalnem dogodku presenečenja!
Seznam predavanj še ni končen in se lahko spremeni brez opozorila.

Naložite urnik za četrtek

07:30 - 09:00Registracija

9:00 - 9:20
Je 5G kriv za Covid?

Je 5G kriv za Covid?

Po dveh letih je konferenca MakeIT zopet nazaj v živo v Portorožu! Po razburljivih dveh letih dela od doma bomo pogledali kaj se je vmes zgodilo na IT področju in kaj nas čaka v prihodnje.

Urban Zaletel
10:30 - 11:00
Quarkus stories: Kako razširiti podporo razvojnim storitvam

Quarkus stories: Kako razširiti podporo razvojnim storitvam

Razvojna storitev (dev service / dev resource) je “embedded” oz “containerized” način poganjana te storitve znotraj neke aplikacije. Quarkus jih podpira že kar nekaj, npr. različne podatkovne baze, Kafka, Apicurio Registry, Keycloak, Infinispan, ElasticSearch, itd

Razvojne storitve so primerne oz. priročne za “dev” in “test” razvojno okolje (profile), kjer po večini potrebujemo prazne oz. s predvidljivimi podatki napolnjene storitve.

Kaj pa, če želimo dodati novo razvojno storitev?

Kaj, če jih želimo dodati več oz. veliko?

V tem kratkem predavanju bomo predstavili svoj način poganjanja in ustavljanja lastnih razvojnih storitev. Spoznali bomo osnove Quarkus “lifecycle”-a in “extension”-ov, ki sta pomemben del te lastne implementacije razširljivih razvojnih storitev.

Aleš Justin
Red Hat
11:00 - 11:30
Quarkus stories: Our take on messaging with Quarkus extension, RabbitMQ and AsyncAPI

Quarkus stories: Our take on messaging with Quarkus extension, RabbitMQ and AsyncAPI

In a process of moving to event-driven architecture, we build an infrastructure that makes interservice and client-service communication as simple as possible - especially for developers using it. We'll take a look at how we took advantage of a custom Quarkus extension and a pair of maven plugins to reach that and have developers use it with just a few annotations.

Nejc Tomažič
Global ID
10:00 - 10:45
Data analytics
Oracle Data Lakehouse

Oracle Data Lakehouse

Data Lakehouse je nova paradigma sodobne infrastrukture, ki naslavlja področje upravljanja podatkov, analitike in strojnega učenja. Data Lakehouse je sestavljena iz dveh zelo dobro uveljavljenih arhitekturnih pristopov pri razvoju rešitev analitike in strojnega učenja, tj. skladišč podatkov in množičnih podatkov oziroma podatkovnih jezer.

10:55 - 12:35
Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with Java

Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with Java

Software solutions of the future will use AI, machine learning, IoT, big data, etc. and have to process data tons of data in realtime. Applications will more and more base on microservices and serverless infrastructures where each service or function has its own database. Traditional databases cannot keep pace in terms of performance and are too heavyweight and expensive in the cloud.

Markus Kett
MicroStream Software
10:55 - 11:40
Data analytics
MLOps: best practices of putting machine learning models to production

MLOps: best practices of putting machine learning models to production

Everyday we are being bombarded by new machine learning achievements revealed by world's leading labs in industry and academia. However, for most companies, the sad reality remains that most machine learning models never actually reach production. And for those that do, the problems in maintaining them through their lifecycle often outweigh their business benefits. This calls for a new approach how to address the complex dynamic between code, data and models that machine learning introduces. I my talk I will present the key principles of MLOps, an approach to productivization that aims to bridge the divides between data scientists, data engineers and DevOps specialists.

Boris Cergol
11:50 - 12:35
Ali je Oracle Autonomous Database prihodnost razvoja Oracle baze podatkov?

Ali je Oracle Autonomous Database prihodnost razvoja Oracle baze podatkov?

Oracle Autonomous Database je več-modelna Oracle baza podatkov, ki v osnovi temelji na relacijskem modelu (tabelah) in je hkrati še JSON baza podatkov s podporo za MongoDB API in JSON kolekcije, XML in prostorske podatke (Spatial)
in hkrati podpira graf podatkovni model in metode strojnega učenja nad vsemi prej naštetimi podatki. Podatki so shranjeni v klasični transakcijski obliki ali kolumnar komprimirano obliki, po potrebi lahko Autonomous baza dostopa do zunanjih podatkov na S3 kompatibilnih objektih (Object Storage) s Avro, ORC ali Parquet formatom podatkov.

Robert Korošec
11:50 - 12:35
What Does Serverless Really Mean, and What It Can Do for You?

What Does Serverless Really Mean, and What It Can Do for You?

Everyone is talking about serverless these days - they say: “Your apps should be Serverless”. But what is serverless exactly? Only Web sites? Is it a silver bullet for every use case? Let’s see what serverless means, how you can use it to implement different ideas and projects, and what benefits it brings to the table.

Wojciech Gawroński
Amazon Web Services
11:50 - 12:35
Data analytics
From DBA to Data Scientist. Are you ready for a career change?

From DBA to Data Scientist. Are you ready for a career change?

As the companies move into more complex systems of data management, the role of data scientist becomes extremely improtant. By attending this session you will learn how to extract more information and insights from data that you manage and make predictions using different models. During the session you will see practical scenarios for different phases like data preparation and transformation, mode building, model evaluation and deployment.

Kamran Aghayev A.
Azercell telecom
13:40 - 14:25
Neprekinjeno poslovanje na odprtokodni način

Neprekinjeno poslovanje na odprtokodni način

Imate rezervni podatkovni center za primere delovanja po večji odpovedi ali katastrofi?

Za vzpostavitev rezervnega centra lahko uporabimo odprtokodne rešitve in se s tem
izognemo stroškom, predvsem pa tehničnim omejitvam, ki jih nudijo komercialne rešitve.

Sergej Rožman
Abakus Plus d.o.o.
13:40 - 14:25
Oracle Cloud 2022 - novosti

Oracle Cloud 2022 - novosti

Oracle Cloud infrastructure (OCI) širi ponudbo oblačnih storitev, še posebej PAAS (Platform As A Service) storitev, kjer je storitev upravljana s strani Oracle.

Robert Korošec
13:40 - 14:25
Build your own social media analytics with Apache Kafka

Build your own social media analytics with Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is more than just a messaging broker. It has a rich ecosystem of different components. There are connectors for importing and exporting data, different stream processing libraries, schema registries and a lot more.

Jakub Scholz
Red Hat
13:40 - 14:25
Data analytics
Business users and Oracle Machine Learning in Oracle Analytics

Business users and Oracle Machine Learning in Oracle Analytics

Traditionally, the use of machine learning is in the domain of the data scientist. The latter has in-depth knowledge of machine learning methods and algorithms and strives for the most optimal preparation of machine learning models, which are then used for various analyses such as predictions, customer segmentation, anomaly detection, finding patterns and the like.

Žiga Vaupot
14:35 - 15:20
Hey DBMS_COMPARISON! - Are my Tables in sync?

Hey DBMS_COMPARISON! - Are my Tables in sync?

Nowadays, companies have a lot of databases to store their data. Besides the application-specific data, master data is required (e.g. customer or employee information) to run the application. If the data is replicated between many databases, it is essential that the data and its tables are fully synchronized - especially when a non-Oracle replication technique is used (e.g. a third-party application).

Christian Gohmann
Trivadis Germany GmbH
14:35 - 15:20
CloudVane's journey into multicloud cost

CloudVane's journey into multicloud cost

Dean will share CloudVane’s incredible journey – from its inception as a necessity to manage cost in a multicloud environment to its full fledged maturity as multicloud cost bus for the largest and most innovative technology project in Saudi Arabia and, let’s be honest, probably the world.

Dean Mišić
14:35 - 15:20
Uporaba spletnih komponent v Javi

Uporaba spletnih komponent v Javi

Že od nekdaj pri razvoju programske opreme težimo k uporabi ponovno uporabnih komponent, ki imajo skrito svojo notranjost in so dostopne le preko vmesnikov. Pri razvoju spletnih aplikacij v Javi se komponente pojavljajo na različnih nivojih. Precej dobro je uveljavljena uporaba komponent na strežniški strani, nekoliko manj pa so uveljavljeni pristopi z uporabo spletnih komponent na odjemalski strani.

Andrej Krajnc
14:35 - 15:20
Data analytics
Oracle Machine Learning:  Python for the Enterprise

Oracle Machine Learning: Python for the Enterprise

What are the real benefits using the OLM4PY and in-database machine learning algorithms? How can you leverage Oracle Database as a high performance compute engine for data exploration and preparation without excessive data movement?

Vili Tajnič
15:40 - 16:25
Database development
Handling errors during bulk DML operations

Handling errors during bulk DML operations

Using bulk operations to do dml from plsql is a lot faster than processing row by row.
However, during bulk dml some or all records may not be successfully created, modified or deleted.

Erik van Roon
15:40 - 16:25
K4TS - od monolita do mikrostoritev

K4TS - od monolita do mikrostoritev

Predavanje bo osvetilo prehod iz monolitne Java EE aplikacije v sodobno zasnovano mikrostoritveno arhitekturo, zgrajeno s pomočjo ogrodja Micronaout, povezanega s Oracle bazo preko Oracle Advance Queue, rešitev dogodkovnega kanala NATS in skupka drugih oblačnih tehnologij (S3, Redis, Postgrsql). Dotaknili se bomo tudi avtomatizacije testiranja in gradnje s pomočjo Gitlaba ter namestitve v Kubernetes gruče preko Ansible in ArgoCD-ja.

Simon Posnjak
Četrta pot
15:40 - 16:25
Real cloud-native with serverless Java

Real cloud-native with serverless Java

Serverless cloud computing provides you with an infrastructure out of the box to run your containerized microservices highly efficiently. Java integrates seamlessly with serverless infrastructure and leads to strong benefits: highest efficiency, endless scalability, high availability, the lowest possible effort for development, production usage, administration, and maintenance.

Markus Kett
MicroStream Software
15:40 - 16:25
Data analytics
Kaj je novega v Oracle Analytics oziroma zakaj je upadla prodaja banan?

Kaj je novega v Oracle Analytics oziroma zakaj je upadla prodaja banan?

Prodaja banan v eni od trgovin je nenadoma upadla. Kaj je vplivalo na nenaden upad prodaje in kako lahko ukrepamo? S pomočjo vizualizacij in naprednih analitičnih poizvedb v Oracle Analytics bomo skušali ugotoviti, kaj je razlog, da bo vodstvo lahko čimprej sprejelo potrebne ukrepe.

Mojca Gros
16:35 - 17:20
xTTS - Lesson(s) learned

xTTS - Lesson(s) learned

Transportable Tablespaces (TTS) exist since Oracle 8i and is a method to exchange data between databases in an efficient way. With every new release, the capabilities were enhanced, for example, Cross-platform TTS in Oracle 10g or Restore Foreign Tablespace/Datafile in Oracle 12c.

Christian Gohmann
Trivadis Germany GmbH
16:35 - 18:00
Connecting Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with a Site to Site VPN [obvezna prijava]

Connecting Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with a Site to Site VPN [obvezna prijava]

Hands-on delavnica poteka v živo. Obvezna je dodatna prijava (označite v prijavnici za konferenco). Zaradi lažjega dela je število omejeno na 15 udeležencev. 

Much like the heterogeneous technologies in the data center, customers are increasingly choosing multiple clouds as they recognize that different vendors have different areas of strength. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can be the foundational piece to a successful multicloud environment. Our hands-on lab session will help you to learn the effective way of connecting Microsoft Azure and OCI private networks with S2S VPN connections.

The prerequisite of the participation is a laptop with PuTTY terminal and key generation software.

Ferenc Mosolygo
16:35 - 17:20
Supersonic, Subatomic, Reactive!

Supersonic, Subatomic, Reactive!

Quarkus provides a supersonic development experience and a subatomic execution environment thanks to its integration with GraalVM. But, that's not all. Quarkus also unifies the imperative and reactive paradigm. Let's talk about this. This talk is about the reactive side of Quarkus and how you can use it to implement reactive and data streaming applications. From WebSockets to Kafka integration and reactive streams, you will learn how to build a reactive system with Quarkus and understand how reactive fuels Quarkus.

Clement Escoffier
Red Hat
16:35 - 17:20
Connection pooling demystified

Connection pooling demystified

One of the frequent complaints developers receive from DBAs is about misconfigured connection pools and insane number of connections applications tend to allocate. This session explains basics about connection pooling, why they are used, and how to configure them for availability and performance.

Priit Piipuu
Kindred Group
17:30 - 18:00
Vzpostavitev sistema e-vinjeta v Sloveniji

Vzpostavitev sistema e-vinjeta v Sloveniji

Na osnovi odločitve vlade je podjetje DARS d. d. zamenjalo vinjetni sistem z nalepkami za elektronski sistem - e-vinjeta. V zelo kratkem časovnem obdobju je bil vzpostavljen kompleksen sistem prodaje in nadzora e-vinjete. Predstavljena bo arhitektura sistema, tehnologija, poslovni procesi in projektno vodenje projekta e-vinjeta vse od priprave razpisa do vzpostavitve in delovanja.

Matej Kranjc, Dars d.d.
Dars d.d.

Petek, 3. junij

Letošnja vsebine so razdeljene po vsebinskih sklopih Java, Database, Data Analytics in Cloud & DevOps glede na vsebino predavanje. Tehnologije se v vseh sklopih prepletajo, tako boste na primer našli Java jezik v skoraj vseh sklopih.
Seznam predavanj še ni končen se lahko spremeni brez opozorila.

Naložite urnik za petek

07:30 am - 09:00 am Registracija

9:00 - 9:35
Moderna Oracle infrastruktura

Moderna Oracle infrastruktura

Pri izbiri arhitekture infrastrukture za Oracle storitve (podatkovne zbirke, aplikacijski strežniki, …) največkrat dejansko ni veliko izbire, saj je Oracle poskrbel, da je cenovno/licenčno daleč najugodnejša OLVM virtualizacija.

Boris Oblak, Sergej Rožman in Urh Srečnik
Abakus plus d.o.o.
9:50 - 10:35
Supersonic, Subatomic, Native!

Supersonic, Subatomic, Native!

Quarkus provides a supersonic development experience and a subatomic execution environment thanks to its integration with GraalVM and Mandrel. But are all Quarkus applications suitable for going subatomic? What is this Mandrel distribution of GraalVM? In this talk we will talk about the benefits of going native, as well as its drawbacks; we will discuss what Mandrel is and how it compares to GraalVM; and we will conclude with hints on how to seamlessly make Quarkus applications subatomic!
Foivos Zakkak
Red Hat
9:50 - 11:30
Configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network for Beginners

Configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network for Beginners

Hands-on delavnica poteka v živo. Obvezna je dodatna prijava (označite v prijavnici za konferenco). Zaradi lažjega dela je število omejeno na 15 udeležencev. 

In an environment that is potentially connected to the Internet, it is important to be aware of the risks and the capabilities of the tools available. Therefore, the step 0 in each cloud is the network configuration. By the end of our hands-on lab, you will learn, how to securely configure the network of simple website with a frontend web server and a backend database server.

The prerequisite of the participation is a laptop with PuTTY terminal and key generation software.

Ferenc Mosolygo
10:45 - 11:30
Fundamental Oracle Security – What Many Of You Are Not Doing [REMOTE]

Fundamental Oracle Security – What Many Of You Are Not Doing [REMOTE]

I tend to work in a few companies each year. Something I have been getting asked more and more, other than “make it faster”, it how to secure the Oracle database – frequently because of a failed audit. In companies and governments, I see; poor auditing, no security consideration, no lockdown of accounts, inadequate processes, and lots of risk.

Neil Chandler
Chandler Systems Ltd
10:45 - 11:30
Evolving your APIs, a step-by-step approach

Evolving your APIs, a step-by-step approach

When you publish your first HTTP API, you’re more focused on short-term issues than planning for the future. However, chances are you’ll be successful, and you’ll “hit the wall”. How do you evolve your API without breaking the contract with your existing users?

In this talk, I’ll first show you some tips and tricks to achieve that: moving your endpoints, deprecating them, monitoring who’s using them, and letting users know about the new endpoints. The talk is demo-based, and I’ll use the Apache APISIX project for it.

Nicolas Fränkel
11:40 - 12:25
When capacity is limited

When capacity is limited

We got confronted with old hardware and notably very slow storage. The job we had to do involved, unavoidably, a large amount of Writing and reading. We’ll present and discuss some of the measures we tried / failed / succeeded to survive until we got our new+shiny hardware…

It was a bit like pointing firehoses at a sink, and then try not to let it overflow.

The key to capacity-management, in this case, was to carefully monitor our system, and to push it to the limit, but NOT Beyond.

Piet de Visser
11:40 - 12:25
Oracle Integration Cloud: integracija ter razvoj mobilnih aplikacij za nadgradnjo sistemov v oblaku.

Oracle Integration Cloud: integracija ter razvoj mobilnih aplikacij za nadgradnjo sistemov v oblaku.

Kako SaaS aplikacije in svoje podatkovne baze, ne glede na to, ali so v oblaku ali na on-premises sistemih, povezati z varno in enotno integracijsko storitvijo?

V številnih podjetjih integracije niso ravno priljubljena tema, saj v procesu integracije najrazličnejših podatkovnih baz in aplikacij pogosto pride do odstopanj, zamud in nepotrebnih stroškov. V izogib naštetemu vam predstavljamo Oracle Integration tehnologijo, ki s pomočjo predpripravljenih adapterjev, avtomatizacije procesov in vizualizacije vaših podatkov z mobilno aplikacijo predstavlja edino tehnologijo, ki jo boste potrebovali, da boste lahko povezali svoje poslovne procese. Odgovore na to, kako nagraditi svoje on-premises sisteme z oblačnimi storitvami ter kako izboljšati uporabnost SaaS aplikacij, ki jih vsakodnevno uporabljate, bomo iskali na predavanju Oracle Integration Cloud: integracija in razvoj mobilnih aplikacij za nadgradnjo sistemov v oblaku.

Irenej Brumec
The Future of Java is Bright

The Future of Java is Bright

In this talk by HUJAK, we present the current state of the tech ecosystem based on Java and related technologies as well as its bright future. This includes the foundation of the platform and virtual machine, features of Java and other programming languages based on it, an enormous number of frameworks, libraries, tools, and services, and most important – the community and people behind it all.

Branko Mihaljević
HUJAK / RIT Croatia
12:35 - 13:20
OLVM: Inkrementalni backupi (dirty bitmaps)

OLVM: Inkrementalni backupi (dirty bitmaps)

Na predavanju bo opisano, na kakšen način lahko v OLVM (oz. qemu, ki teče pod njim) naredimo inkrementalne backupe z uporabo “dirty bitmaps”. Torej na način, da backup po indeksu prebere iz produkcije le spremenjene bloke (ki so se spremenili od zadnjega backupa). Gre za podoben princip, kot ga uporablja Oracle Database EE, če vklopimo BCT (block change tracking).

Urh Srečnik
Abakus plus d.o.o.
12:35 - 13:20
End-to-end open-source observability system deployment [REMOTE]

End-to-end open-source observability system deployment [REMOTE]

Modern cloud-native applications are incredibly complex systems. They are built in various languages, and frameworks and often use different threading models and RPC technology. Understanding the system we are building is a foundation for building a reliable system and meeting SLAs. In this talk, we will talk about rolling out an open-source observability stack in an organization. We will focus primarily on distributed tracing, however, metrics and logs will be covered as well. You will learn about OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, and Prometheus projects.

Pavol Loffay
Red Hat
12:35 - 13:20
Looming through Virtual Threads and Modern Memory Management

Looming through Virtual Threads and Modern Memory Management

Java's old Threads, created more than a quarter of a century ago, up till today successfully drove millions of Java applications. Additionally, Java's automatic memory management was efficiently performed for decades using garbage collectors such as Serial, Parallel, CMS, and Garbage First (G1). However, we believe that it is time to take a turn into modern and more efficient structured concurrency constructs, similar to Kotlin's coroutines, and introduce some contemporary scalable low-latency and region-based low-pause parallel and concurrent garbage collectors.

Dora Beronić
HUJAK / RIT Croatia
12:25 - 13:20
Data analytics
Moderna podatkovna arhitektura za podporo celovitem upravljanju s podatki

Moderna podatkovna arhitektura za podporo celovitem upravljanju s podatki

Neizogibno dejstvo je, da je količina proizvedenih podatkov skoraj neskončna. Vsaka naprava, vsak klik, vsaka digitalna akcija proizvaja podatke. Večinoma smo se že navadili, da podatke tako ali drugače shranjujemo. Naslednji izziv – ki pa se je pravzaprav že začel dogajati – je izvajanje monetizacije podatke. Zgolj shranjeni podatki so za nas namreč le strošek. S podatkovno ekonomijo pa pretvorimo surove podatke v poslovno vrednost za podjetje. To pa ne velja le za podjetja, temveč širše za celotno pametno družbo, ki temelji na vseh možnih podatkih iz najrazličnejših virov.

Jure Jeraj
Result d.o.o.
13:30 - 14:15
Daylight Saving Time (DST) demystified

Daylight Saving Time (DST) demystified

In Germany, the discussion of the cancellation of the daylight saving time is in full swing. But what does such a change mean for the database and the already stored timestamps? How does the database know when to change from summer to wintertime?

Christian Gohmann
Trivadis Germany GmbH
13:30 - 14:15
Oracle Cloud za DRC. Kaj pa imam še brezplačno?

Oracle Cloud za DRC. Kaj pa imam še brezplačno?

Oracle cloud je idealno okolje za več različnih situacij. Velikokrat želimo izvesti kakšno analizo, ki zahteva veliko resursov mi pa jih nimamo, oziroma bi nas stalo veliko preveč, če bi te reurse imeli stalno na voljo.

Lovro Vreš
Kopa d.d.
13:30 - 14:15
The Compression Puzzle Challenge

The Compression Puzzle Challenge

A modern story about aesthetics, inspiration, open-source and programming languages that we all love and use: we’ll look into a coding puzzle that brought together and challenged the very best and the brightest programmers worldwide and gave birth to new programming paradigms. We’ll dive into solutions, compare notes and inspire you to look into new technologies.

Oto Brglez
13:30 - 14:15
Data analytics
GoldenGate: Best is yet to come

GoldenGate: Best is yet to come

Oracle GoldenGate has been the industry leading Data Replication software for more than 20 years. GoldenGate is still innovating today and helping thousands of the world’s biggest brands achieve their business goals with real-time, highly-available data.

Vili Tajnič